01: This is the first July issue of Religion Watch to come off the press in our 16 years of publishing.
As might be expected, the move from a combined July/August issue to two separate issues involves more time and money. As summer is usually a dry time for new subscriptions and renewals, we welcome gift subscriptions and re-subscriptions from former readers who have “fallen away” from the RW fold.
Anyone who gives a gift subscription during July and August will get three extra issues added to their subscription. This applies to the print and e-mail versions of RW. Gift subscriptions are also at a discount: $26 for the print version and $19 for the e-mail version. To take part in this offer, just send us the name and address of the recipient of the gift subscription along with your own name and, of course, the payment.
02: We are also offering a summer clearance sale of the recent book, Trusting The Spirit: Renewal and Reform in American Religion, by RW editor Richard Cimino.
The book is available for $16 (regularly selling for $21.95.) Send payment (Canadian and foreign orderers must include an extra $6 to cover mailing costs) made out to Religion Watch to: P.O. Box 652, North Bellmore, NY 11710.